
    Honoring Retired ED

  • Congratulations to the
    Hartselle Educator Hall of Fame Class of 2025
    Martha Grimes Cooper
    Dr. Dee Dee Jones
    Bob Young
    Hartselle City Schools Original School Board
    Lary Anders
    Elmo Kerr
    Elaine Duncan
    Barry Halford
    Dick Stoner

    These outstanding educators were formally inducted into the Hall of Fame on Saturday, February 22, 2024, at Burningtree Country Club in Decatur. 


  • The purpose of the Hall of Fame is to honor retired individuals who have made a significant contribution to the education process of students who have attended Hartselle schools.  Hartselle is known statewide and nationally for its education system.  We have a long tradition of outstanding schools going back over one hundred and thirty years. This has been made possible by dedicated teachers, administrators and support staff, and solid parental and community support.

    If you attended a Hartselle school, think back to that memorable educator who helped inspire and prepare you for learning, leadership, and life.  He or she may have helped you through a difficult time in your life or make life-changing decisions. This educator might have been a teacher who was a great role model, demonstrated a love of teaching, cared for students, displayed an excellent knowledge of subject matter and possessed the ability to convey that knowledge to their students. That special person could have been a principal, counselor, teacher’s aide, librarian, secretary, custodian, bus driver, cafeteria worker or other support personnel.

    You might be, or have been, a school employee who knows a colleague who daily made a significant difference in the lives of our students. As a parent, you may remember a school employee who was a powerful, positive influence on your child.  Maybe you know of a community leader who devoted a great deal of time and effort to help support and build our system.

    If you would like to nominate one of these individuals to the Hartselle Educators Hall of Fame, please fill out the nomination form available here, on our website.  Forms may also be picked up at the Hartselle City Schools Office located at 305 College St. NE.

    To be eligible for the Hall of Fame, a school board employee must be retired, must have been an employee in the Hartselle City School System for at least five years of their career, should not be working with Hartselle City Schools with a Retirement Agreement, and should be nominated by someone not related to the nominee (spouse, sibling, child, parent, etc.)  Inductees are selected by the Board of Directors of the Hartselle Education Hall of Fame.